Agile Isn’t New: What’s New Is The C-Suite Embracing It
Steve Denning

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella; former IBM CEO Virginia Rometty

(Photos by MANDEL NGAN/AFP; Sean Gallup/; Chesnot via Getty Images)

As the global coronavirus crisis is forcing many organizations to act with unaccustomed speed, organizational agility has suddenly become a necessity. The crisis is also making obvious that institutional agility means much more than having lots of agile teams scattered around the organization.

“To create a truly agile enterprise,” as the article, “The Agile C-Suite”, by Bain consultants Darrell K. Rigby, Sarah Elk, and Steve Berez in the May-June 2020 issue of Harvard Business Review (HBR) points out, “the top officers—most, if not all, of the C-suite—must embrace agile principles too.” Agility of course isn’t new. What’s new is to see the C-suite embracing it.

The contrast in stock market performance between firms that have been embracing Agile principles at the senior level for a number of years—-such as Microsoft and Amazon—and two firms that have spurned Agile principles at the senior level—such as GE and IBM—is dramatic.

Market capitalization of Amazon, MIcrosoft, IBM and GE 2015-2020

Market capitalization of Amazon, MIcrosoft, IBM and GE 2015-2020

Stephen Denning

The Case Of Amazon

Ever since Amazon’s creation in 1994, Jeff Bezos has stressed customer value, as the primary goal of Amazon. Long-term shareholder value, said Bezos in his founding letter to shareholders in 1997 “will be a direct result of our ability to extend and solidify our current market leadership position.” At Amazon, shareholder value is the result, not the operational goal. At Amazon the customer comes first, ahead of “short-term profitability considerations or short-term Wall Street reactions.”

As detailed here, Bezos has combined customer-value with a focus on the road map for the future; the continuous creation of new businesses; the creation of multiple paths to yes for small bets, while acting as ‘chief slowdown officer’ for big bets. The result is a trillion-dollar company that, just last week, announced plans to spend all of its second quarter profit—some four billion dollars—on its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including testing and protection for workers, strengthening delivery networks, and boosting wages, rather than return this money to shareholders.

The Cases Of Microsoft And IBM

The transition from big bureaucracy to business agility on a continuing basis is a long-term undertaking involving many steps. At Microsoft, the journey began with one team, then three teams, then 25 teams, then many teams, and then after about 5 years, the new CEO embraced it, and it spread across the entire firm and steadily became part of the culture.

By contrast, IBM’s CEO Ginni Rometty told CNBC in October 2014, “At the end of the day, this is about returning value to shareholders.” IBM’s strategy of returning value to shareholders was built on a foundation of declining revenues, capability-crippling offshoring, fading technical competence, sagging staff morale, debt-financed share buybacks, non-standard accounting practices, tax-reduction gadgets, a debt-equity ratio of around 174 percent, a broken business model and a flawed forward strategy. Business agility didn’t enter the picture. The outcome is now clear. For almost 20 years, IBM has had the most explicit long-term commitment to maximizing shareholder value as reflected in the stock price, yet it has the distinction of destroying more shareholder value than any other company in the Dow Jones Industrial Index.

What An Agile C-Suite Does

Institutional agility means more than having Agile teams. Agility begins at the top, is inspired by the top, and is embodied in how the top conducts itself.

The starting point of agility is the passionate, and even obsessional, pursuit of a crystal-clear mission of the organization. In the case of the private sector, this is value for customers—the Law of the Customer. In order for this obsession to be shared throughout the organization, the C-suite must embrace and communicate it passionately and with all their heart. The commitment to the customer is not just words: it is about providing a clear line of sight to the ultimate customers to those doing the work so that they can take steps and make decisions that will contribute to the goal. Customer focus is not a one-time initiative: it must become a way of life.

The Agile organization sets aside any assumption that the way things have been are the way things are going to be. There is no split between exploitation and exploration: everything the organization does is a potential source of improvement. This means unleashing the creativity of the staff by breaking the work into small pieces that can be handled by small self-organizing teams, working in short cycles with direct feedback from customers—the Law of the Small Team.

It is the C-suite leadership responsibility to establish and maintain a hierarchy of competence rather than a bureaucratic hierarchy of authority where decisions depend solely on where you are in the chain of command and power trickles downwards. It is the C-suite’s responsibility to ensure that information flows horizontally to wherever it is needed, not just vertically, and to create an atmosphere of transparency where problems are aired and discussed openly—the Law of the Network.

The three Laws of Agile define  operational agility (making the existing business better) and create the basis for strategic agility (generating new products and services and so bringing in new customers).

Agile Isn’t New

In one sense, the ideas behind business agility aren’t new. The precursors of Agile management in the 1960s and 1970s, are described in Art Kleiner’s book, The Age of Heretics (Jossey-Bass, 1996). They included self-managing teams and more participatory decision structures .But these practices didn’t succeed in taking over the whole organization, despite huge gains in productivity and engagement achieved on a small scale They were crushed by the entrenched bureaucracy and power structures.

What is new is that we now have CEOs, as at Amazon and Microsoft, who are championing the cause of business agility for the whole organization. For most big organizations, implementing these principles means deep change from the ponderous bureaucracies that dominated the 20th Century economy. It is only with the championship of the C-suite that these ideas can prosper and endure.

In effect, the whole organization has to be reinvented. This means that most strategy, planning and budgeting, auditing, and human resource processes have to be rethought. Metrics have to be reformulated to reflect the clarified organizational mission and its performance.

Agile As A Mindset

One of the most difficult things for the C-suite to grasp about agility is that it involves a different way of thinking as much as a different way of doing. The Agile mindset as something akin to the mindset of a profession, such as that of a lawyer, a doctor or an economist. Agile managers think about problems in characteristic ways. They notice certain kinds of information, data, and concerns in their respective subjects. They analyze the issues in their respective ways. They pursue their respective kinds of solutions.

These different ways of thinking, perceiving and acting in turn generate characteristic attitudes, values, modes of thought and approaches to problems. Such mindsets are not things that can be acquired overnight or in a two-day training course. In effect, the Agile mindset reflects the emergence of a fundamentally different kind of management.

The Agile C-Suite In HBR’s Article

The current HBR article presents an account of the responsibilities of the C-suite of an unnamed major consumer-goods company in its journey towards business agility with a CEO who has the pseudonym ‘Brian Johnson.’ The article contains many Agile insights:

·       Agile principles: “To create a truly agile enterprise, C-suite must embrace agile principles.”

·       Leadership humility: “Agile, in short, requires humility from leaders. We don’t mean a false humility but rather the sort that accelerates learning and bolsters the confidence of every team member.”

·       Managers become coaches: “Agile enables top executives to delegate many of their activities to subordinates so that they can focus on what only they can do.” “the CIO took on the role of coach for the agile leadership team. He pointed out when team members were following agile principles and practices and when they were slipping into dangerous shortcuts or dead ends.”

·       Daily standups: ‘Brian Johnson’ has organized a sequence of four 15-minute daily standups from 8.30am to 9.30am, going from single teams, through various “teams of teams”. “This approach is working so well that Johnson is now experimenting with the process in more parts of the organization, including business units and functional departments.”

·       From meetings to work sessions. Once C-suite gets comfortable with agile principles and practices, they grew increasingly frustrated with old-style management meetings and replace them with problem-oriented work sessions.

·       Continuous improvement: “Senior executives learn to manage the transition as an agile team. They view it as a continuous improvement program, not as a project with predictable end points or fixed completion dates.”

·       Getting out of silos: “The agile process forces leaders to get out of their silos and work together as a multidisciplinary group, breaking through impediments and pivoting when necessary.”

·       Taking the time to get it right: “It took about five months, he told us, for the executive committee to begin thinking and acting as an agile leadership team.”

·       Getting the best staff: “The leadership team decided to dedicate some of the company’s best, most admired managers to the effort and to design the work by starting with the customer.”

·       Agile budgeting: The CFO “commissioned agile teams to develop planning and budgeting processes similar to those used by venture capital firms with start-ups. Previously done annually, the processes would now occur more frequently—at least quarterly—but would be less onerous.”

·       Putting Agile metrics in place: “Rather than relying strictly on financial forecasts, teams would increase the transparency of key assumptions, create ways to test them, and identify potential impediments.”

·       Agile HR: “Now that agile teams were using fully dedicated people rather than part-time allocations, the CHRO needed to develop new career paths and appropriate reward systems for members of the major agile initiative, along with processes for backfilling their previous positions.”

·       Continuous improvement, not one-off: Senior executives learn to manage the transition as an agile team. They view it as a continuous improvement program, not as a project with predictable end points or fixed completion dates.

·       Uniqueness: the article notes that every company and every activity within each company will differ.

Remaining Issues

As the article is discussing an unnamed corporation, it is impossible to verify the story. There are a number of issues on which the reader would like to know more.

·       In the article, the role of the customer is somewhat unclear. The word “customer” is used 19 times, but is this firm truly obsessed with the delivering value to customers?

·       Is Agile something for the whole organization? The firm appears to limit Agile to “innovation” and sets limits on where innovation is inappropriate such as ” food or drug safety, anti-discrimination and harassment policies, accounting standards, and quality control.” Why not?

·       The CEO ‘Brian Johnson’ as pesented in the aritlce is not exactly passionate about agility. In the article, the CEO is presented as an “arbitrator” or  “balancer” between efficiency and innovation. Is he truly playing a role of Agile champion?

·       The article states that agility in this firm is not an initiative. Yet does the centrality of the Fusion Project for this CEO risk creating the impression that in this firm, agility is simply an initiative, not a way of life?

It is important that Harvard Business Review is highlighting the role of the C-suite in business agility. Wall Street has already got the message.  Although the U.S. economy shrank at a 4.8% annual rate in the first quarter and suffered from 30 million unemployment claims, the stock market finished its best month in years. Why? The answer to the paradox is simple. After a devastating collapse the previous month, investors poured into the “chosen few.” Firms that have demonstrated business agility by taking advantage of technological possibility—Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft—have become the largest and fastest growing organizations in the world, while many others struggle.




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