Evaluating whether or not to outsource your company’s project-management functions can be challenging. Before making this potentially risky leap, you have to assess if this is a good move for your business while keeping in mind that what works for your business today may not work in the future. There can be many benefits… Project management outsourcing, especially on the Information Technology (IT) side, has been a burgeoning industry for some time. External vendors leverage a range of expertise, and for the client having capable engineers and development personnel when creating a new software application or maintaining an existing one is literally worth its weight in gold. One… WHAT DOES RA MEAN FORTHE WORK MANAGEMENTCONSULTANTS AND COACHES DO? RA consultants put themselves in the position of their clients, they build single, double and triple-loop learning into their own practice so they are leading by example as they facilitate learning and growth with their clients. RA Consultants include themselves as actors in our… WHAT IS REQUISITE AGILITY? Requisite Agility TM (RA) provides pragmatic ways to achieve the requisite level of agility to survive and thrive in turbulent times and focuses on continuous organizational evolution. There isn’t one single situation where agility is needed – other than the existential one of ‘survive and thrive’ – and there isn’t… 1.A Trans-Disciplinary Explorationvs. Safety in Dogma When the dogma of a predefined methodology takes precedence over what is going on, the organisation is at risk of becoming fragile, not agile. Healthy, resilient organisations adopt a strategies, structures, systems, practices, tools and techniques that drive effectiveness, not the orthodoxies of particular disciplines or methodology. RA…